Monday, November 1, 2010

It's November ALREADY?!

Did everyone have a fun Halloween?  I noticed that there was a huge decrease of parties this year –side effect of a bad economy, or laziness?  I’m thinking laziness because the few get-togethers I heard about were on Saturday which WAS NOT Halloween but people kept calling it that….it was weird.  I was at home finishing up my Halloween episode for Guy Eating Cereal “Halloween Costume Contest”, and if you haven’t watched it yet, please do: 

I was tired, but even more determined to go out on Halloween this year in costume because the last two years I was stuck at home (food poisoning/breakup).  My friend Adam invited me to go with him and his friend Martin to the West Hollywood Costume Carnival.  We had a lot of fun -at least after we found parking, which took 2 hours!  So many great costumes –Chilean miner in a tube, a “like” FaceBook box, a house disclosure, a stock market index, tranny Lady Gagas, Mario Kart characters (with tiny karts), Fraggles, Avatars, Michael Jacksons, Pirates, Superheros, Zombies, Fat Glenda the Good Witches, Fat Alice (she apparently ate the WRONG cookie!), Red Queens, Pac Man, some Angry Birds, and even Quail Man (err, Quail Woman)!

Adam was a goth chick, I was Snow White, and Martin was……Martin.  :)

There were a few food trucks between the sea of costumes, and we stopped to try some drunken shrimp and chips from the Shrimp Pimp truck!  The garlic fries and the fried shrimp were delicious, and now I can check off another truck on my food truck challenge list!  I’m attempting to try as many food trucks as possible, so if you share my curiosity let me know and I’ll plan a food truck adventure day soon!

We saw a street fight and they attempted to break the Guinness Record for the largest group "Time Warp" dance, but I think the highlight of the night was running into the Fraggle Rock dance party!

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