Thursday, June 23, 2011


Hey all -I'm currently co-producing an EPIC film called "THE FOUNDING", and we need YOUR HELP to help us raise funds for this production!

The Founding began with a simple question: "if the United States had a mythology, what would it look like?" After a moment of thought, the answers seemed obvious - George Washington would possess super strength and the ability to turn into stone, Thomas Jefferson’s hair would be made of pure fire, and James Madison, the principle author of the Constitution, would be a giant Bald Eagle Griffin. These and other equally hyperbolic members of the team known as the Founders would join forces to battle Secret England, an oppressive force located at the core of the Earth, led by Two-Mile-High King George III. After meeting with several producers and graphic artists, we began working on how to turn this idea into an exciting reality.

Everyone who hears about The Founding is excited to see it completed. So we want to spread the word and give anyone who is interested a chance to contribute. We are currently raising money for the production of a short film version, with future hopes of expanding to a bigger project.

After breaking down the script and determining a budget for special effects, we’ve discovered that The Founding is no small project. So we are asking for donations to meet the demands of this ambitious project. The funds we raise through this campaign will go directly into the special effects, and production of the movie.

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